Monday, May 24, 2010

512 Concept Map

Upon creating this concept map I had to think of ways to eliminate genocide.

I. Genocide alert & early warning system

A. Rapid Reaction Mechanism- needs to be implemented in order so judge is genocide has been committed and to deal with the situation at hand.

1. Prosecution & Deterrence (International & Domestic)

a. Enforcing International Law
(1) Pressure, Vigilance, & Protection

(a) Genocide Prevention & Elimination

How long should peace keepers remain in the country?  This is important because if the peace keepers leave it gives the perpetrators the opportunity to commit the same crimes over again.

Was justice served according to international law? If it wasn't then international law needs to be adjusted so that future perpetrators wont be able to manipulate the law and kill people.

Has a cultural group been systematically murdered? The first question that should be considered.  You cant have a rapid response if no one knows if genocide has been committed.

How soon can Peace keepers be mobilized?  Genocide can happen very quickly given the form of weapons the enemy has to use against the people they are killing.  The quicker they are able to touchdown on that country's soil the quicker the situation can be diffused.

Have the perpetrators been taken into custody? Without the perpetrators in custody they are free to do what they feel.  Which equates to continued killing.  They must be taken into custody in order to be prosecuted.

Has the situation been diffused?  Again, if the situation hasn't been diffused then the peacekeepers cant leave and the perpetrators need to be rounded up so justice can be served.

Did the accused persons contribute to the deaths of those murdered?  There needs to be proof that shows they committed these acts.

Should international law be amended according to the situation?  If it wasn't then international law needs to be adjusted so that future perpetrators wont be able to manipulate the law and kill people.

All of these questions and situations make me think about adding onto my chart.  I need a lot more and I'm using my resources to find additional factors and variables so that my chart can be much better.

Companies invest in foreign land and often dont have the time or resources to see where there monies they invest are going.  Networks like the genocide intervention have helped me to consider other methods and ways to prevent genocide.

Why the Conflict Risk Network?

When done irresponsibly, foreign investment can fuel instability and conflict, create negative impacts for local communities and generate financial hazards for investors. In short, it creates conflict risk.

In Sudan, for example, foreign oil companies provide the main source of revenue to the Sudanese government, which is reported to funnel 70% of it towards its military. In addition to this revenue stream, certain companies’ operations have been associated more directly with environmental damage and human rights abuses that generate instability and conflict. In addition to having serious negative impacts for local populations, these links between investment and conflict create risk for institutional stakeholders, as companies face negative publicity, shareholder actions, threats to assets on the ground, legislation restricting business options and more.
What does Conflict Risk Network do?

While stakeholder engagement is generally the most effective way to address conflict risk, engagement – and the research necessary to facilitate it – can be extremely expensive and time consuming. In addition, ad hoc attempts at engagement do not capture the power that can be leveraged when stakeholders coordinate to speak with a collective voice. CRN’s work addresses all of these challenges.
Research: CRN informs institutional stakeholders by producing comprehensive research and compiling financial data on companies materially involved in select GI-NET Areas of Concern. This includes the quarterly Sudan Company Report, which contains in-depth profiles on the Sudan-related operations of companies primarily in the oil, mineral extraction, power production and weapons sectors. These quarterly reports are accompanied by spreadsheets that provide corporate structure and security identification information (ISIN, SEDOL, ticker etc), drawn from Bloomberg LP, on the companies profiled in the Sudan Company Report.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

?'s and Problems

Essential ?'s

  1. If you attempt to fail, and succeed, what have you done?

SEL 1C.3b. Analyze why one achieved or did not achieve a goal

  1. What separates humans from animals?

  2. What is the truth and how will we know it?

  3. Where does the wind come from and why cant we see it?

  4. Are humans evolving or devolving?
  5. How do we determine what is good and what is evil?
  6. Does everything happen for a reason?
  7. Is experience really a teacher?
  8. Are computers in a state of consciousness?
  9. Is there life after death?

Problem Scenario's

  1. You are a BP oil leak specialist, how will you stop the oil leak and clean up the mess in the Gulf of Mexico?

ISTE 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity B. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

  1. You work for the UN as a food specialist, you assignment is to solve world hunger how can you feed everyone in the world?

  2. Your son was murdered by a neighborhood gang. What can you do to eliminate gangs from your neighborhood?

  3. As the principal of a school on probation, how would you go about getting the test scores at or above the national average?
  4. Your mother is $300,000 in debt but has a career and makes decent money.  How can she better manage her money in order to free herself from the chains of debt?
  5. The price of gas has reached $9.00 per gallon.  How can you ween off gasoline/oil and utilize alternative energy sources in your home and car while saving considerable money?
  6. The school you work at has the lowest test score in the district, but receives the least amount of funding.  Your principal wants you to develop and way raise the test scores of the school, what methods will you use to do so?
  7. You are obese and want to change your state of health.  You don't have access to healthy foods in your neighborhood.  How can you lose weight with the type of foods you have access to?
  8. Islamic extremist's are waging a Jihad against your country, claiming your cultural group are infidels.  How can you eliminate the extremist's from your country in a non-violent way?
  9. Jerry Reinsdorf just hired you are the General Manager of the Chicago Bulls.  He told you upon hiring you that you have bring LeBron James to the Bulls or else you will lose your job and have to pay back any portion of your salary and you agreed. How will you get LeBron to sign with the Chicago Bulls?


1.c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.

4. a. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.

vid on essintial ?'s

Essential ?'s resources

Considering essential questions is very hard to do since many of the questions that I've pondered often have easy upfront answers.  Reading, studying, and considering various essential questions and problem based scenarios made me dig deeper.  The questions that can't be answered are the one's that need the most attention.  I had to consider the content and how I would assess these questions of how they relate to technology in education, education, and life in general.  Admitting that I don't know much is assisting me in stepping outside of the box when considering these ?'s and problem's.   I need to concentrate on the CONTENT, CONTEXT, and PARTICIPANTS of my ?'s and problem's in order to have the align with the standards.